Nancy Lewis - Retiree Tributes - McDonogh School-十大最佳博彩网站排名

Nancy Lewis

Today, we have two important reasons to celebrate the teaching career of Nancy Lewis. This year marks Nancy’s 25th year of service to our school, and it is also the year when her remarkable McDonogh career comes to a close. For two and a half decades, Nancy has taught her second graders with passion and purpose, never underestimating them and always championing them as uniquely valuable human beings.

Nancy came to McDonogh in 1995 and immediately impressed everyone with her teaching abilities and her insight into how children learn. She is a master of the teachable moment, seizing on every opportunity to stimulate her students’ thinking. Nancy has an exceptional ability to fully engage each of her students in topics and activities that they or others might see as out of their reach at first. With Nancy as their unwavering advocate, children are able to rise to challenges large and small, learning along the way that they possess everything they need to succeed. 

Nancy’s creative mind and committed spirit have produced unforgettable theatrical experiences for her students. She has written and directed 25 plays for her second graders to perform. The plays often focused on social justice and environmental issues, and proved to be powerful teaching tools. 学生 learned authentic information about their world from diverse points of view. They also learned to collaborate for weeks at a time in order to achieve a shared goal.

Nancy is devoted to imparting knowledge and inspiring deep thinking, but she is equally as dedicated to touching her students’ hearts. She loves them fiercely and encourages them to find and use their own voices. She respects them and requires that they respect each other and all living things. After decades of teaching, she still marvels at the minds of the ones she calls, “these little people.” 

Nancy, thank you for all you have done for those little people and for McDonogh School. It has been a privilege to work alongside someone who knows how to create, how to inspire, and how to teach unforgettably.  

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